天天热点评!【毕业季】2023 Graduation Ceremony 爱莎天河毕业典礼 | 世界辽阔,未来可期
时间:2023-06-26 12:04:01来源:互联网

2023 Graduation


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The 2023 ISA Tianhe Graduation Ceremony was held successfully on June 14, thanks to the dedication of all parents, students and teachers! The graduation ceremony is a milestone, symbolising the end of a learning period and the beginning of a new start. The Early Years graduates are ready to enter the Primary and embark on a new life of learning and challenges; the Primary graduates will learn more knowledge and explore a wider world, with unlimited expectations for the future!


The World is Your Oyster

“The World Is Your Oyster” is a quote from “The Merry Wives of Windsor” by Shakespeare. It means the world is vast, and the future is bright. The world is a stage where children can explore. It is hoped that each child can enjoy the present moment and that the world is like his/her treasure, where he/she is free to explore the world, explore his/her potential and realise his/her values.

出自莎士比亚的“The Merry Wives of Windsor”中的谚语——”The world is your oyster 世界辽阔,未来可期”。世界是孩子们可以尽情挥洒的舞台。希望每个孩子都可以享受当下,世界就像他/她的宝藏一样,他/她可以自由探索世界、挖掘自己的潜力和实现自己的价值。

- InquireSucceedAct

探究 成就 践行 -

ISA Mission爱莎理念

InquireDiscover the wonders in the world


SucceedStrive to be the best that you can be


ActMake a positive difference in the world




The graduation ceremony opened with a speech by Ms. Beth, Head of ISA Tianhe, who gave graduation wishes to all graduates and thanked the parents and guests for coming. On the event day, each graduating class prepared performances to express themselves confidently. Also, a graduation certificate conferral ceremony was held.

毕业典礼开场时由爱莎天河校长Ms. Beth致辞,为毕业生送上毕业祝福,并感谢家长与来宾的到来。活动当天,每一个毕业班都精心地准备了表演,自信地表达自我。以及举行了毕业证书授予仪式。



Under the guidance of teachers, EY4 graduates prepared several performances for the graduation ceremony, such as poetry recitations, songs and dance performances, incorporating skills learned in the Early Years. Students sang the Early Years graduation song - “I am the Earth”, to the audience with the grown.

在老师们的悉心指导下,幼儿园大班四个班的孩子们为毕业典礼准备了多个节目,诗歌朗诵、歌曲和舞蹈表演,将幼儿园阶段所学到的技能融入了表演当中。学生身穿学士袍为来宾演唱“I am the Earth(我是地球)”,这是爱莎天河学校幼儿园的毕业歌曲。

Year 5 graduates enthusiastically sang “Try Everything”, such as the IB learner learning experience. They try different things to develop holistically through PYP Exhibition, charity activities and outdoor explorations. The lyrics are full of positive energy, never giving up on anything. Try everything, keep challenging, break through limits, and believe in moving forward with determination towards dreams and getting to success until you finally reach the top.

小学五年级的毕业生热情地歌唱了“Try Everything(尝试一切)”,就如同IB学子的学习经历,尝试不同的事物,如小学毕业成果展、公益活动、户外探究等,帮助学生全面发展。歌词中富有满满的正能量,遇到任何事情都不要轻言放弃,纵然前路有诸多困难都要勇敢去闯,尝试一切并竭尽全力,必定会品尝到成功的喜悦。Try everything,不断挑战自我,突破自身的极限,相信坚定地朝着梦想前行,努力成为最好的自己,直到最后登上巅峰。



Students presented their teachers with flowers to honour and thank them for their support and show their gratitude. The gowns and hats were worn with pride, and students came onto the stage, where they were awarded their certificates and had the opportunity to have their photographs taken with Ms. Beth and the teachers.


Graduation Wish


Ms. Beth

Head of School 爱莎天河校长

How we have all enjoyed the ISA Tianhe Graduation! Our EY4s are very well prepared for Primary, they have a solid academic foundation and are happy learners. I wish them a great summer and look forward to seeing them in the new semester. I am excited to watch their growth over the next five years!


The Year 5s have had a wonderful year and matured into lovely children that I am genuinely proud of. They are an amazing group with so much talent and promise. I hope they will all keep in touch and that they don’t forget us, as for sure we will always remember them and the positive contribution they have made to our whole school community.


Ms. Debbie

Year 5 Homeroom Teacher 五年级主班老师

Dear Year 5 students,


It fills my heart with pride and joy to see you graduate from primary school and embark on a new chapter in your lives. You have worked hard, learned so much, and grown in countless ways during your time here.


As you move on to secondary school, remember that you are capable of achieving great things. Believe in yourselves, work hard, and never give up on your dreams. I have no doubt that you will continue to make us proud with all that you will accomplish in the future.


Congratulations on your graduation, and best wishes for the exciting journey ahead!


Ms. Debbie

Ms. Carly

Year 5 UOI Teacher 五年级探究单元老师

Dear Year 5 students,


Graduation is finally here! You have all done an amazing job this year and I am so proud with all you have achieved both as a class and individually. I hope each one of you can look back on primary school with joy and remember the wonderful experiences you have had.


It has been such a pleasure to teach you and to see how much you have grown within this school year. I have no doubt that you will all succeed wherever you go and continue to be your wonderful selves.


Thank you all for making my first year at ISA one to remember and congratulations!


Ms. Carly

Mr. Stark

EY4 Homeroom Teacher 幼儿园大班主班老师

To the incredible students of EY4C, what a great class we had. In my heart, I feel that I was meant to be your teacher and you were meant to be my students. You grew so much and ended the year with a bang at the graduation ceremony. You are all going to change the world for the better.


Ms. Hilary

EY4 Homeroom Teacher 幼儿园大班主班老师

To my wonderful class of EY4A, I can truly say that A stands for AWESOME. You were a pleasure to teach, together we achieved so much, your graduation dance was awesome, but now its time for you to move onward and upwards. I wish you well.


Ms. Jude

EY4 Homeroom Teacher 幼儿园大班主班老师

We are so proud of you EY4D, it has been a privilege and pleasure to come to school with you each day. You have tried hard and done your best in work and play. Now you are ready for the next new chapter in your life, as you leave your Early Years and go to Primary school. Always remember you are unique, very important and precious to so many people. Keep shining bright and beautiful, the future is yours.


Mr. Moises

EY4 Homeroom Teacher 幼儿园大班主班老师

Dear EY4B students,

As we come to the end of your time in early years, I want to express how proud I am of every one of you. It has been a joy to watch you learn and grow over this past year, and I have truly enjoyed teaching you.


As you move on to primary school, I want you to know that you have all the skills and abilities needed to succeed. I wish you all the best in your future academics and know that you will make us proud wherever your journey takes you.


Remember to always believe in yourselves and never stop learning and laughing. Congratulations, and good luck!



Congratulations to all ISA Tianhe graduates, here’s to your next adventure! The graduation ceremony will also be a memorable experience for each student as they grow up!



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